Saturday 19 March 2016

“Sense of an Ending” by Julian barnes

           As we study about to new literature in very famous and also psychological thriller novel “Sense of an Ending” by Julian Barnes published in 2011.  It is first person narration.  It is talked about to literary fiction, psychology of character, memory novel etc.  So now we explain how narrator talks about his memory and we have doubt of them. It may be say that Novelist himself deconstructed idea of his own narratives.
         We read novel that when Veronica replayed “Blood Money” means from someone’s spilled blood the money is given Antony.  Tony has helped them to Mrs. Sarah Ford. At End of her life, she gave that money to Tony because of that she was happy in relationship with Adrian. One day Tony Suggested to Adrian that Met to Mrs. Sarah Ford. Later one Mrs. Sarah ford Die at that time she was happy them. But in later on Adrian committed suicide. So may be Veronica not happy of them. That’s why she tells that this money was not pure and that is why she just replayed “Blood Money”. 
         In this decipher the Education that when Adrian committed suicide several things come out to Tony’s life. He noted down in his dairy. And Tony has tells that to Veronica that given Adrian dairy. But she given Pages of that dairy. There is one Equations that b= s – v *+ a1. Later on resolved by Tony.  B = Baby, S = Sarah, V = Veronica, A1 = Anthony or Adrian. We know that Adrian call to tony as Anthony.  When he talked about to any formula in His dairy that he remembered them.  It is that Veronica’s mother Mrs. Sarah and Adrian son as baby (Adrian). This equation as to be put relationship to Mrs. Sarah Ford, Adrian and Anthony as Tony.
         Adrian’s Dairy owned by Sarah Ford because of that she was wife of Adrian. At dying last days both are happy. But at Adrian and Sarah Ford Die that his child Adrian as desist. Adrian has brother of Veronica. At that time she was caring and possession of society. And how Veronica has Burdon of that Adrian care and his diseases. 
         It may be that Adrian has no father and Mother. As we see that this only for Tony’s memory that Adrian has Trauma. The death spot Arian’s death body was found.  Adrian death was First class Suicide. And He was Philosophical ideas and Mentally Strong person. Adrian death has to be true that Possibilities not lie there. And there is the clarification of Suicide note. Adrian believes that there is nothing wrong in suicide. That’s why there are not possibilities of Adrian living with hidden identity.
          As we see that Tony point out that it is seems like that because of the curse of Tony. Tony thinks that Veronica’s child Adrian suffering from mental disease. Veronica as mother suffering in care in the community. But in later on time passes that Veronica was not mother of Adrian but she is sister of Adrian. Adrian mother Sarah Ford die that as a sister she carries her brother Adrian.
          As we know that this book “Sense of an Ending” falls under category of Psychological thriller novel. There is not a single missing scenes or some dot which is not connected with the whole narration. It is only for Narrator Tony Webster’s memory. It may be that whole narration as falsified in the end. So My observation and point of views that no any some dot which is not getting whole novel.  
         As we read Novel no any clear cut reason for Adrian committed suicide. It is not in narration because of that Tony as Novelist not given reason. Why Adrian Finn committed suicide. As we minutely observes that  there are multiple reason like he suffering from Trauma, Father & Mother die, Love & Relationship with Sarah Ford, Fear of Sarah ford’s Husband, Burden of Dieses child born, Society accepted or not etc. So these are the reasons. But it is not clear that Adrian die only for this reason. 
         The Novel in we find that Tony as Narrator and is point of view we look at every characters. But we see that Veronica characters definition as different.  Veronica emerges in our mind as instructive, Manipulative, Calculative, stubborn and haughty but as time passé in the story unfold in front of our eyes she emerges as sacrificial, intelligent, trustworthily and Good Samaritan. It is all about to narrator Tony’s point of views. It may be that these types of Veronica not in real one but narrator talk as their limitations.  Tony can’t thought about beyond the boundaries that she is real that or not. Or maybe something Good and humble Veronica.   
          Yes, it is Classifiable as Unreliable narration. As we know that At beginning that narrator Tony has tells story and as end of the novel He himself create doubt and falsified his own narration. It is deconstructed ideas of narration and at end reconstructed his story. Also we can say that Tony Webster as Unreliable narrator. In novel First part as story told that in end it falsely in second part by provided documentary. May be we can says that this is Tony memory and he deconstructed his memory. At end of novel we can say that Tony Webster memory totally wrong and may Tony‘s dream. That’s why Tony classifiable as Unreliable Narrator. We doubt to Tony narration, what he told in begin and end.  

                    So it is my point of view about Psychological Thriller novel Sense of An ending. It is talk about to Memory of narrator.

Friday 4 March 2016

“Harry potter and Deathly Hollow”

As My view point about the novel Harry Potter and Deathly Hollows…
              “Harry potter and Deathly Hollow” written by J.K. Rowling in 2007. It is speculative fiction.  It’s all about Fantasy, Children's Literature, Quest, Bildungsroman, Magical world, Adventure life. And we found in novel Light & darkness. This novel in Third person narration. It is thriller, adventure, brooding, emotional, suspenseful. In novel J.K. Rowling use of many imaginative worlds and it is magical world, use symbols. So now we explain Harry potter in Many  thinks like that:

1.  Feminist reading of Hermione’s character in Harry Potter:
                    “Harry potter” series in Hermione is center Female character in novel. As feminism is range of political, ideological, cultural, personal and economical equality that not foe only men but also for women. She is beautiful and intelligent girl. She knows about her magical tricks and how uses them. She is Intelligent and worries girl. At begin film in Hermione is brave girl; her friends are Harry & Ron. As Rowling is female writer as portrayed of women are intelligent and smart, not for weak & dumb characters.

             This novel all about to Feminine perspective but in other thought not margin of Women. But it is all about to Anti Feminine ideas. She is confident, and constantly stood up for herself and her friends.  But we see that Women works are smarter than men. As we say about Hermione has central women protagonist. As we see Hermione character in film we see that Men (Harry & Ron) use of Hermione. She loves Ron.  Harry and Ron rescue Hermione from a troll, but instead of holding it over her head and acting superior, they treat it as a bonding experience. And also she jealous to other female characters. As we thinks about to critical that in film every time magic, talk to Dumbledore, Fight with Veldemor & Harry, Broken to Horcruxes at that point Hermione not there. It means that as something brave or mysterious work women not do that. Hermione broke only one Horcruxe.

              In one scene Hermione solves a logic puzzle. she and Harry realize that only one of them can go on to save the Sorcerer's Stone. Whereas the other will have to go back. Harry tells Hermione to go back, trusting her to save Ron and find Dumbledore while he tries to save the Stone... which means that he trusts her to save his life. As it is she does not know. She thought that she every time do good. Relationship to these boys. 

 Rowling’s argument that as intelligent and something done as humanity at that time women are not present. So in novel we see other women like: GINNY, PADMA – PARVATI, HARRY’S MOTHER LILY, LUNA, HELENA,  MINERVA, DOLORES UMBRIDGE etc. We see not only Hermione but other women are present as good and evil thinks. We know Man would be proud to call himself wizard, but will women be proud in calling her witch? Definitely not. Because there is something wrong in the structure and language of society. It is constructed language and Rowling point of view. It is problematic. They are powerful and intelligent one. But at end Rowling has portrayed as weak character.

2.  Discourse on the purity of Blood and Harry Potter:
    Harry potter film as related to Purity and Blood. It is  identity of human hood. It means that Rowling has given Humanity are not free by birth. As person becomes power and destiny change that it may become pure. Harry Potter in Concept of purity of blood (race, Caste) is very much present in the Harry Potter. Establishing social order by master race is not a new idea. Killing other as inferior race is very prominent in the history. “Harry potter” in main Protagonist like:  Harry Potter and Hermione Granger are Mud -blood. Ron Weasley is a pure blood. Draco Malfoy is also pure blood. Where as evil Voldamort is Mud Blood but craving for pure blood. We see entire narrative is MUD BLOOD. Main concept that Rowling proof that MUD Blood Protagonist as powerful & intelligent rather than Pure Blood person.

 Rowling main ideas that Mud Blood has good not, as mud blood person as crave of purity. we have to keep in mind that Rowling is not despising Pure blood. Voldamort is evil and he is also mud blood. if writer make Voldamort as a pure blood, is problematic.  As witches & Wizards are powerful of magic and it may be that Race & Connection of Blood. This novel Rowling Criticize that Pure Blood people.  This Entire novel connected to racism working within the magical world. It may be Rowling Satire on Society. They believe in pure blood and difference in their mind.  So we can say that the novels play with the thesis of pure blood (Master Race) – Ron, Malfoy, giving an anti-thesis by belonging protagonists to half-blood / Mud-blood (Harry, Hermione, Voldamort).  

3).   The theme of Choice and Chance:

                                The question of choice versus chance runs throughout the Harry Potter series. In Novel We see that when Riddle & Voldemort tells Harry that "IT WAS MERELY A LUCKY CHANCE THAT SAVED YOU”. Harry is self - sacrifice to only for his chance. In one scene Dumbledore subsequently tells Harry that IT IS OUR CHOICES  THAT SHOW WHAT WE TRULY ARE, FAR MORE THAN OUR ABILITIES.

              Throughout the series, Voldemort continues to insist on chance as the cause of his downfall, right up to the bitter end. Harry Potter contains magical prophecies; the prophecies come true only because people choose to act on them. And Even the magical hat takes people's choices into account, as Harry reminds his son in the epilogue. Here WE CAN SAY THAT HAT & ELDER WAND CHOOSE HIS USER NOT PERSON CHOOSE HIS/HER HAT & ELDER WAND. Similarly, if Harry's choice to sacrifice himself has truly broken Voldemort's power.  So that Voldemort's spells are no longer binding, then Voldemort would also be unable to defeat Harry even if he had gained ownership of the Elder Wand. Unless the Elder Wand was powerful enough to overcome the charm on Harry's blood. it is choice rather than chance that decides the issue. Rowling herself has written that she does not believe in fate, but in "HARD WORK AND LUCK, AND THAT THE FIRST OFTEN LEADS TO THE SECOND." We see Rowling point that Not fate, then’ but is the outcome due to choice or chance in the end? We see Harry use his magical power as misuse. But Veldemort use power as his desire and cavity of pure blood.  Veldemort has evil but it means that his choice not for chance. 

                     E.G. Karana belongs to Royal family. But as fault of Kunti that Karana as Sutputra. That is not Karana’s Choice. He Becames poor & Sutputra. But As Karana’s Chance rather choice to Upper caste or leave Royal Family.

       So the ending of Deathly Hallows contains three possible resolutions an ending driven by choice alone. And an ending driven by chance and an ending driven by both choice and chance.

Thursday 3 March 2016

“Da Vinci Code” by Dan Brown

According to My point of views are…

          “Da Vinci Code” is written by Dan Brown in 2003. This novel is detective story. Da Vinci Code I narrative as third person.  It is all about to Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings code. It is connected to Christianity. This novel is not anti Christian. It is investigated around the investigation of the family of Jesus. It is speculative literature. ‘Da Vinci code’ is Thriller (Poplar Literature), Full of Suspense, Conspiracy theory in them. It is connected to ‘Da   Vinci’s vitruvian man.’ So now we see my perspective of the novel “Da Vinci code”…
  •            Yes, I am agreeing with to Dan Brown statement. We see it not anti Christian novel. But those believe in god. They are watch film and Read novel. It is not hurt to religious people.  It is connected to Christianity and religious feeling of Christian people.  Center theme is Christianity but it is deconstruct ideas of Christian religious.  May be it is not Deconstruct idea of Christianity but reconstructed. Last supper of Mary Magdalene and her relationship to Jesus as not doubt but may be thought about to critical that it is fake.  The book is anti Christian but journey is spirituality, follower of god and faith in god. In novel we see that Robert Langdon is protagonist. He is believed in god and symbolist. He is blind follower of God and tradition man. So here is only to spiritual thinks and not hurt Christian but mysteries and secret of Christian religious. It is not faith of god (Leigh Teabing) and tradition follower man (Robert Langdon, Louver, Bezu Fache, Silas, Denny). Also Sophia does not believe in god but as faith of herself. It is trust of our self and love of them.  Just only for truth of Christianity. So I agree with Dan Brawn statement and it is all about “an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion”. And may be Dan Brawn perspective and it is religious book, just only for positive attitude for introspective and exploration of our faith in god.
  •                       As we studies to Biblical novel or text. It is not harmful to humanity. But as we see that Milton’s Paradise lost as Biblical text. This narrative has been state forward. Paradise lost in Adam and Eve as center and Fruit of knowledge becomes problematic. We see that God say that ‘you are free’. It means what you done as our own desire and what we like it’s done. But here we see Eve tree knowledge and eat Apple as harmful to humanity. Milton portrayed Eve has Beautiful, question to Adam   and How Satan, Raphael and Serpent use to Eve.  It is harm to our society and we see that Satan as evil character but it is true of them. Eve knows about everything but then and then it does create problem. Our Knowledge becomes evil to us.  In Da vinci Code we see that Langdon’s know and his skill of symbolism as helpful. We see that it is not harmful to Christianity and humanity. Langdon has solve mystery of Holy Grail (SANGREAL, ROYAL BLOOD), Last Supper of Mary Magdalene, opus die etc. But in one point that Langdon as faith to god and solve to mystery of Holy Grain. He never tells to other people like (Bezu Fache, Leigh Teabing, Sophia, society people). It is religious and Spiritual thinks but as protagonist Robert Langdon was solve mystery. He prayed to God as Mary Magdalene’s grave. So it biblical narrative and maybe it is religious book.  No doubts that it is harm or damage society. So Paradise lost in some problem of narrative but as we thinks about to critical and modern think that Da Vinci Code is much appropriated narrative. And it is biblical text. It is not damage of humanity but what we thought? What we trust to god? ‘Paradise Lost’ – Milton is problematic as some point but ‘Da vinci code’ – Dan Brawn as faithful to Humanity. It is narrators ideas but what we thought about that’s important. That’s why Da vinci code does not harm humanity.

  •            As we study to literature, but main point that how the narrator portrayed of women has only beautiful or something negative/positive chanters.   It is dependence of writer and narrator. But what we look at portrayal of women in text, book and film. It is good or bad thought. So now we explain Popular women character in Film like (Ophelia- Kenneth Branagh’s ‘Hamlet’, Elizabeth- Kenneth Branagh’s ‘Frankenstein’, Hester Prynne – Roland Joffe’s ‘The Scarlet Letter’, Hermione – David Yate’s ‘Harry potter’, Sophia Neuve – Ron Howard’s ‘Da Vinci Code’)  

           Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet in Ophelia was beautiful, sensitive, emotional, innocent and weak character. She loves to Hamlet and her father Polonius them. But in one point Hamlet tells that you go to Nunnery. Here it faults of Ophelia.  In film we see that Ophelia’s body use for Hamlet as lover & Father. In Film many scene Ophelia as nakedness, use for sex and her madness. That’s why at end she was dies for her madness.  Portrayal of Ophelia as bad and madly but it is not in Shakespeare play ‘Hamlet’s Ophelia’. 

   Kenneth Branagh’s Frankenstein in Elizabeth was Beautiful, Innocent and weak character. We see in the film Elizabeth character was not much develop. It is fault of narrative techniques. Elizabeth was margin in novel. But Men (Victor) use for Elizabeth as Only for Sexually. It is not in Mary Shelley – Frankenstein’s Elizabeth. She is weak and helpless character.
          Roland Joffe’s The Scarlet latter in Hester Prynne was Beautiful, sensitive mother, love for her child, innocent and hopeless character. She is love to Dimmesdale but as society says that she was sinner and she done crime to birth girl child. She was hopeless and Helpless. It only that Hester has faulted, Dimmesdale love them but in Film we see that Roland’s portrayal Hester’s relationship to Dimmesdale & Chillingworth. It is badly portrayed in the Film.

      David Yate’s Harry potter in Hermione was Beautiful, sensitive, intelligent, smart and Worrier girl. David portrayed Hermione has good, beautiful and smart than Harry & Ron. Hermione has becomes friend and motivated to Harry & Ron. But David yate’s Hermione has major part and something mysterious thinks. She is not present there. In one scene Hermione became object to two friends and use for their emotional in film. She is not weaker but as Broke to Horcruxes. She only has broken one Horcruxe. Here it is not Hermione has helpless but she has intelligent girl. Nothing else in the film. Hermione has modern girl and Thought about better than men.       

        Ron Howard’s Da Vinci code in Sophia was Beautiful, Intelligent, Smart, and Not Believes in God. Here we see that Sophia was knowledgeable woman. She was cryptologist and at begin to end solve mystery. But in one scene Sophia was ask question to Leigh Teabing.   

And she was that time innocent.  It may that here is Fault of narrative. How Two Men Robert Langdon & Leigh Teabing has help them but she proof that her knowledge and work as help them. She is Holy Grail and royal blood of Jesus. So Ron Howard’s Sophia has modern thinks and better to Men.

               So we can say that Director or Producer portrayed women character as there thinks and it connected to audience demined. What is audience like them? That’s why it becomes popular. It is not real portrayal of all women character like Ophelia, Hester, Elizabeth, Hermione and Sophia. They are portrayed that women are Helpless, beautiful and use for men as only for sex. It is reality of western society. But here fault of narrative and portrayal of women character in the film. 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Movie Review of the film “Slumdog Millionaire”.

Movie Review of the film “Slumdog Millionaire”.

             “Slumdog Millionaire” is directed by Danny Boyle, and written by Simon Beaufoy. It is release in 2008.  This film sets are in Indian Slum. it is loose adaption of the novel “Q & A” wrote by Vikas  Swarup. It is all about to telling story of Jamal Malik age 18 from Juhu slums of Mumbai.  His story was rags to riches.  He was contestant on the Indian version of who wants to be a Millionaire? We see that his talk answers every stage correctly. he is accused of cheating. How he was poor boy and bad thinks in his life. He was self learner. He is not any thinks of education but what happened in his life. He do learn them and given correct answer of them. He was good observer and self learn skills of him.  The story narrated by Jamal Malik. And he told to how his life learning in identifies this question answer. He tells to the police man in police station.

   The film begins to Juhu slum 18 year old boy Jamal Malik is contestant on the Indian version of Kaun Banega Crorepati. it is all about question and answers, than win grand prize. At that time he is detained and tortured by the police, who suspect him to cheating because of the impossibility of a simple  “Slumdog” person as never ever little education knowing all the answers. as story goes on. Jamal recount and memories though flashbacks the incidents in his life which provided him with each question.   

We see in the film, Jamal's flashbacks begin with his managing, at age five, to obtain the autograph of Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan, which his brother then sells, followed immediately by the death of his mother during the Bombay Riots. As they flee the riot, they meet Latika, another child from their slum. Salim is reluctant to take her in, but Jamal suggests that she could be the third musketeer whose name they do not know. The three are found by Maman a gangster who tricks and then trains street children into becoming beggars. When Salim discovers Maman is blinding the children in order to make them more effective beggars, he flees with Jamal and Latika to a departing train. Latika fails to board the train and she is recaptured by Maman. Over the next few years Salim and Jamal make a living travelling on top of trains, selling goods, picking pockets, working as dish washers, and pretending to be tour guides at the Taj Mahal, where they steal people's shoes. At Jamal's insistence, they return to Mumbai to find Latika, discovering that she has been raised by Maman to become a prostitute and that as a virgin. she is expected to fetch a high price. 

The brothers rescue her, and Salim kills Maman with a gun. Salim then manages to get a job with Javed Maman's rival crime lord. Back at their room, Salim orders Jamal to leave him and Latika alone. When Jamal refuses, Salim draws a gun on him, and Latika persuades him to go away to protect him.


 We see in the film, a tea-boy in an Indian call centre. Jamal searches the centre's database for Salim and Latika. He fails in finding Latika but succeeds in finding Salim, who is now a high-ranking lieutenant in Javed's organization, and they reunite. Jamal attacks Salim  who then pleads for forgiveness. We see how directed create and lets him stay in his luxurious apartment. Jamal then bluffs his way into Javed's residence and reunites with Latika. While Jamal professes his love for her, Latika asks him to forget about her. Jamal promises to wait for her every day at 5 o'clock at the VT station. Latika attempts to rendezvous with him, but she is recaptured by Javed's men, led by Salim. Jamal loses contact with Latika when Javed moves to another house, outside Mumbai. Jamal becomes a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? knowing that she watches the show regularly. Much to the consternation of Prem Kumar, the show's host, he becomes a wonder across India. Jamal uses the 50/50 lifeline on the penultimate question and during the following break, whilst in the men's room, Kumar feeds Jamal with the answer, but Jamal chooses the other answer and the correct answer.
           In movies goes that believing Jamal is cheating, the police become involved. After an initial beating up, the police inspector listens to Jamal's explanation of how he reached each answer. Here we see to Indian police system. We know that finding all of them "bizarrely plausible".  He allows him to return to the show. At Javed's safehouse, Latika sees Jamal on the news and Salim in an effort to make amends for his past behaviour, gives Latika his mobile phone and car keys, and asks her to forgive him and to go to Jamal. Latika is reluctant out of fear of Javed, but agrees and escapes. Salim fills a bathtub with money and sits in it, waiting for Javed and his men when they realize he let Latika go. We see that Jamal a life lfe learner and how he answer all question and at end his life becomes change. Jamal's final question is, by coincidence, the name of the third musketeer in “The Three Musketeers” which he never learned. Jamal uses his Phone-A-Friend lifeline to call Salim's cell, as it is the only phone number he knows. Latika answers the phone, and, while she does not know the answer tells Jamal that she is safe. Relieved, Jamal randomly picks Aramis, the right answer and wins the grand prize. Javed hears Latika on the show and realizes that Salim has betrayed him. He and his men break down the bathroom door but Salim kills Javed before he is shot, gasping, "God is great." Jamal and Latika meet on the platform at the railway station. It is end to be happy and satisfaction of Indian movies end.

                So we narrative of this film and how Jamal as center in the film. Jamal as life learner. Here we found that as poor boy becomes richer it may be questioning him.  It is Indian dream of many youngsters as becomes richer. Jamal life was rags to richer. And it may be famous and real Indian ideas portrayed in this film. at last we can say that it is Indian concept  ideal film  and society reality of India in the film.

Sunday 7 February 2016

Movie Review of film “Kismat Konnection”

Movie Review of film “Kismat Konnection”

         “Kismat Konnection” is directed by Aziz Mirza. It is release in 2008. Main screenplay by Sanjay chhel, vibhs Singh.  Kismat knonnection in main leadings role play by Shahid kapoor as Raj, vidhya balan as priya, juhi chawla as Haseena bano, vishal Malhotra as Raj’s Friend etc. This story narrated as third person narration. As film begun that Raj was a top student in his school and college days. He was an architect.   He is having much luck in finding work and job. He does every thing but at wants wrong. In film Raj was faithful to religious, superstitious, god and jadutona kind of thinks.  Raj goes to Haseena bano and her advices him that his luck is not good. And also say that he needs a lucky charm or may a person who can changes his life.  

As we know that Indian people always thinks that anybody helps him and his life became good and rich. They not thought about their struggle but only go to shortcut ideas.  Afterwards in film Raj meets priya . She is beautiful and kind girl. She always ready to help the citizens of a community by trying to save a community center. We see here that film portrayed that women are helps to community not her individual ideas. Not in their mind she became free and independence women. Priya was not rigid woman but she helps adult people and helps them.

             As story narrated that although they do not get along at first time. But raj meets Priya aat that time his life and every work do good. And then Raj realizes that priya is his lucky charm and change his destiny. In story Raj love to Priya. But he not says her. At that time Raj helps to Priya. But we see that Raj lie to Priya by telling her that he will help her and save community center.  in that time Raj  has an architect and build mall.  Instead of time as Raj’s Boss said that he build mall. He can finally be recognized as an architect. 

          He also falls in lie with Priya and she too falls for him. But here we see that one lucky charm or may be illusion of Raj. In this story we criticize that how men portrayed women as lucky charm of men. We know that “Every men success in behind of women”. But here story was diffenrt and how men use to women only for his work and job.
In turn story as tragic way but as we know that Indian film in no any drama it’s not popular. When priya finds out the truth about Raj is trying to do. She became very upset and hurt.  We know that Indian women are every time crying and Bechari kind of thinks.  In film we see Priya was educated and intelligent one. That’s why she found solutions. As Raj to make up his lie. Raj sells everything he has them. But Raj at that time not caring his job but he struggle to community center.  He proposes a plan to save community center and ends him wining.  Priya as lucky for him.  After that Priya and Raj finally get together.  Raj’s life changes and he became an architect and start business.   
             This film was not hit but this story was Cavite interesting. How India people think about that his or her charm, luck, destiny. It is melodramatic film. In film full of emotional, climax, love and faith of charm. It is so typical story but its men are think about his life women are help them. And women are lucky charm for him. So it is too difficult that a man thinks to women and as good form them. It is not moral ideas but immortality.

“Sense of an Ending” by Julian barnes

           As we study about to new literature in very famous and also psychological thriller novel “Sense of an Ending” by Julian B...