‘Middlemarch’ is a novel
by George Eliot published in 1871. It is set
in the 1830s in Middlemarch and a fictional provincial town in England. Widely
seen as Eliot's greatest work, it is almost unanimously acclaimed as one of the
great Victorian era novels. we see that
main protagonist was Women characters. It is novel about to Women sacrifice and
struggle to female. Eliot here studied the life of social people. In a way it
is a study of culture or in general it is the study of human nature. Nineteenth
century England experienced a great deal of change and upheaval. Societal norms
were questioned as Europe experiences numerous
revolutions that cried for equality. Main characters are Dorothea, Will Ladislaw, Casaubon,
Bulstrode, Fred Vincey, Rosamond, Mary Garth, Lydgate, Celia
Brooke and James Chettam.
The central character of this novel is
Dorthea- A young lady who is idealist and who stands against the patriarchal
law of the Victorian Society. Dorthea is known as “FREE BIRD”. She was simple
by nature. Her ambition in life is to help people. She married with Casaubon
with this intention only that she help him in his research work and also
increase her knowledge. But after marriage she came to know that the research
which doing by her husband it was already done by someone else. Even the
matrimonial life of Dorthea is in ruin. Though she is known as idealist she
cannot understand her husband. Rosamond- who is rich lady in search of “Mr.
Perfect” and she married with aged Dr. Lydgate. We see that how women
represented social, political, religious and cultural life. This women are not
only for economy but as emotional thinks.
The matrimonial life of Mary and Fred
becomes successful because Mary thinks truthfully. Both of them love each other
but Mary denied to Fred that if he don’t becomes clergyman she couldn’t marry
with him. But after becomes clergyman their life is more lovely. Marriages
based on capability work better. Here in this novel Dorthea represent as a
ideal woman, Rosamond represent as a real woman, while Mary represent as a
truthful woman. Marriages based on capability work
better because after the death of Casaubon she fails to break free completely
from the societal pressures.
In the
novel main themes like that...
Respect to society
Truth and ideal
So we can say that some of the major themes stated in the novel can be
considered as disillusion, gender roles and frustrated love relations and
marriages especially with the marriages of some major characters such as Dorthea and
Casaubon, Lydgate and Rosamond, Mary and Fred Vincey. In short the
novel “Middlemarch” is a mirror of society. It is speak about the current
affairs of society in which individual fails to make his or her own spaces. But
at least they march for betterment.
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