Vinci Code” is written by Dan Brown in 2003. This novel is detective story. Da
Vinci Code I narrative as third person.
It is all about to Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings code. It is connected
to Christianity. This novel is not anti Christian. It is investigated around
the investigation of the family of Jesus. It is speculative literature. ‘Da Vinci
code’ is Thriller (Poplar Literature), Full of Suspense, Conspiracy theory in
them. It is connected to ‘Da Vinci’s
vitruvian man.’ So now we see my perspective of the novel “Da Vinci code”…
- Yes, I am agreeing with to Dan Brown statement. We see it not anti Christian novel. But those believe in god. They are watch film and Read novel. It is not hurt to religious people. It is connected to Christianity and religious feeling of Christian people. Center theme is Christianity but it is deconstruct ideas of Christian religious. May be it is not Deconstruct idea of Christianity but reconstructed. Last supper of Mary Magdalene and her relationship to Jesus as not doubt but may be thought about to critical that it is fake. The book is anti Christian but journey is spirituality, follower of god and faith in god. In novel we see that Robert Langdon is protagonist. He is believed in god and symbolist. He is blind follower of God and tradition man. So here is only to spiritual thinks and not hurt Christian but mysteries and secret of Christian religious. It is not faith of god (Leigh Teabing) and tradition follower man (Robert Langdon, Louver, Bezu Fache, Silas, Denny). Also Sophia does not believe in god but as faith of herself. It is trust of our self and love of them. Just only for truth of Christianity. So I agree with Dan Brawn statement and it is all about “an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion”. And may be Dan Brawn perspective and it is religious book, just only for positive attitude for introspective and exploration of our faith in god.
- As we studies to Biblical novel or text. It is not harmful to humanity. But as we see that Milton’s Paradise lost as Biblical text. This narrative has been state forward. Paradise lost in Adam and Eve as center and Fruit of knowledge becomes problematic. We see that God say that ‘you are free’. It means what you done as our own desire and what we like it’s done. But here we see Eve tree knowledge and eat Apple as harmful to humanity. Milton portrayed Eve has Beautiful, question to Adam and How Satan, Raphael and Serpent use to Eve. It is harm to our society and we see that Satan as evil character but it is true of them. Eve knows about everything but then and then it does create problem. Our Knowledge becomes evil to us. In Da vinci Code we see that Langdon’s know and his skill of symbolism as helpful. We see that it is not harmful to Christianity and humanity. Langdon has solve mystery of Holy Grail (SANGREAL, ROYAL BLOOD), Last Supper of Mary Magdalene, opus die etc. But in one point that Langdon as faith to god and solve to mystery of Holy Grain. He never tells to other people like (Bezu Fache, Leigh Teabing, Sophia, society people). It is religious and Spiritual thinks but as protagonist Robert Langdon was solve mystery. He prayed to God as Mary Magdalene’s grave. So it biblical narrative and maybe it is religious book. No doubts that it is harm or damage society. So Paradise lost in some problem of narrative but as we thinks about to critical and modern think that Da Vinci Code is much appropriated narrative. And it is biblical text. It is not damage of humanity but what we thought? What we trust to god? ‘Paradise Lost’ – Milton is problematic as some point but ‘Da vinci code’ – Dan Brawn as faithful to Humanity. It is narrators ideas but what we thought about that’s important. That’s why Da vinci code does not harm humanity.
- As we study to literature, but main point that how the narrator portrayed of women has only beautiful or something negative/positive chanters. It is dependence of writer and narrator. But what we look at portrayal of women in text, book and film. It is good or bad thought. So now we explain Popular women character in Film like (Ophelia- Kenneth Branagh’s ‘Hamlet’, Elizabeth- Kenneth Branagh’s ‘Frankenstein’, Hester Prynne – Roland Joffe’s ‘The Scarlet Letter’, Hermione – David Yate’s ‘Harry potter’, Sophia Neuve – Ron Howard’s ‘Da Vinci Code’)
Kenneth Branagh’s Hamlet in Ophelia
was beautiful, sensitive, emotional, innocent and weak character. She loves to
Hamlet and her father Polonius them. But in one point Hamlet tells that you go
to Nunnery. Here it faults of Ophelia.
In film we see that Ophelia’s body use for Hamlet as lover & Father.
In Film many scene Ophelia as nakedness, use for sex and her madness. That’s
why at end she was dies for her madness. Portrayal of Ophelia as bad and madly but it
is not in Shakespeare play ‘Hamlet’s Ophelia’.
Kenneth Branagh’s Frankenstein in
Elizabeth was Beautiful, Innocent and weak character. We see in the film
Elizabeth character was not much develop. It is fault of narrative techniques.
Elizabeth was margin in novel. But Men (Victor) use for Elizabeth as Only for
Sexually. It is not in Mary Shelley – Frankenstein’s Elizabeth. She is weak and
helpless character.

Yate’s Harry potter in Hermione was Beautiful, sensitive, intelligent, smart
and Worrier girl. David portrayed Hermione has good, beautiful and smart than
Harry & Ron. Hermione has becomes friend and motivated to Harry & Ron. But
David yate’s Hermione has major part and something mysterious thinks. She is
not present there. In one scene Hermione became object to two friends and use
for their emotional in film. She is not weaker but as Broke to Horcruxes. She only
has broken one Horcruxe. Here it is not Hermione has helpless but she has intelligent
girl. Nothing else in the film. Hermione has modern girl and Thought about
better than men.
Ron Howard’s Da Vinci code in Sophia
was Beautiful, Intelligent, Smart, and Not Believes in God. Here we see that
Sophia was knowledgeable woman. She was cryptologist and at begin to end solve mystery.
But in one scene Sophia was ask question to Leigh Teabing.
And she
was that time innocent. It may that here
is Fault of narrative. How Two Men Robert Langdon & Leigh Teabing has help
them but she proof that her knowledge and work as help them. She is Holy Grail
and royal blood of Jesus. So Ron Howard’s Sophia has modern thinks and better
to Men.
So we can say that Director or
Producer portrayed women character as there thinks and it connected to audience
demined. What is audience like them? That’s why it becomes popular. It is not
real portrayal of all women character like Ophelia, Hester, Elizabeth, Hermione
and Sophia. They are portrayed that women are Helpless, beautiful and use for
men as only for sex. It is reality of western society. But here fault of narrative
and portrayal of women character in the film.
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