Thursday 16 July 2015

Sylvia Plath's Poem "Morning Song"

Sylvia  Plath's Poem "Morning Song"

Sylvia plath and her husband 

v Morning song   

Love set you going like a fat gold watch.
The midwife slapped your footsoles, and your bald cry
Took its place among the elements.

Our voices echo, magnifying your arrival.  New statue.
In a drafty museum, your nakedness
Shadows our safety.  We stand round blankly as walls.

I’m no more your mother
Than the cloud that distills a mirror to reflect its own slow
Effacement at the wind’s hand.

All night your moth-breath
Flickers among the flat pink roses.  I wake to listen:
A far sea moves in my ear.

One cry, and I stumble from bed, cow-heavy and floral
In my Victorian nightgown.
Your mouth opens clean as a cat’s.  The window square

Whitens and swallows its dull stars.  And now you try
Your handful of notes;
The clear vowels rise like balloons.
 “Morning Song” is part of a collection of poem written by Sylvia Plath. In this poem published by Sylvia death and husband Ted Hughes the titled “Ariel” 1966, and this poem collection of consist of all written at last few year of Sylvia’s life. While she was trying to come to terms with her suicide in 1963.

The theme of The Morning song was to record, to celebration the birth of the poetess and her husband first child their daughter ‘Frieda’. She was born in 1961. Sylvia Plath wanted to open the collection of poem’s Ariel with this beautiful poem about the birth and new life. The first thing strikes a reader on reading the poem is its form. There are six stanzas sharing a similar form and step of three lines inch and no rhyme scheme.   As we notice while reading the poem in her emotion. In first stanza begins with word ‘love’, which a overview of the theme of poem. This word ‘love’ is said to be the reason of the baby’s into the world. Her coming the sense of movement of action is compared to a watch, and object that starts working at a sustain point; in the life of person this sustain can be the moment of the birth.   The watch mentioned is a ‘gold watch’ the adjective gold gives an ideas of the importance of the concept compared to it, in this case the born.  The word ‘fat’ referring to this watch, allude to baby’s often the baby’s rounded in the shape which they are born. In the second verse of the first stanza Plath says that in her life the moment, the midnight slaps the foot soles of the baby. When they are born to help them breathe as the baby’s start crying. In this poem this crying is described as welcome, which sex the moment the new person has come into the world. The baby’s cry ensures that it became the part of the elements of nature and it cycles. In the second stanza parent at this birth are sketched as in all stanzas. Sylvia Plath uses a few adjectives and nouns when she describes the hospital room, with high ceiling causing voices to echo, a draft blank walls etc.    The word ‘we’ in this stanza is used to admire the baby like a statue in a museum.  The museum is described as a drafty museum a place for dead and stiffed things not in the causing home, suggests the vulnerability of the mother regarding her small child because mother is scarred of the winter season. Which may cause harm to her dear one? In this stanza the feeling of mother and dabble bind situation causing emotional any psychic, pregnancy has been revealed.
 The third stanza begins compares Sylvia’s motherhood with the breaking of the clouds in rain. The rain, which is stated as a mirror which reflected the disappearing of the clouds themselves this expression express the idea of motherhood not as a condition of position by the mother because baby belongs to the world. To itself and to the elements with surrounds his life in the world. Although she has delivered the baby as a cloud produces rain, she does not want to be credited with the honors of being a mother and identifies herself with the floating clouds.    The fourth stanza, the setting is changed from the museum to bedroom, where the baby is sleeping but the mother cannot sleep because of her concern for the baby and because of her carrying nature. The breathe of the baby is described as ‘moth breathe’ this comparison gives an idea of the speed and regularity of the baby’s breath as its sleeps. As month are characterized by fast and constant movement of their wings and nocturnal (action at night) inse4cts. There for the movement of these insects is compared with the rhythm of the breath of the baby at night when it is sleeping this breathing is expressed as flickering among. The flute ‘pink roses’ the mother worry and attention is expressed, when she says that she wakes up to listen to this breath and the sound that comes to her is said to be like the sound of the sea that moves in her ears. That is description of the sound gives ideas of the rhythm of the breathing similar to the sound of the sea.In the pen ultimate stanza the characteristic mother state of alert is expressed when she says that if she here a cry of her baby. She stumbles from bed in clumsy way and the clumsiness is reflected by the term cow heavy and as floral which refers to the print of her Victorian night gown again the mouth of the baby as it cries refers to the cats mouth, the comparison may be because of the similarity of the baby’s lament surely longing for food. The last verse of this stanza links with the first verse of the next one a starts describing the moment of the day break. Where the window is mentioned which is said to whiten ‘the window square whiten that is day light is coming and in a poetic way’. Sylvia Plath describes how the night ends by saying that is ‘swallows its dull stars’
. Then she describes the beginning of the baby’s day. Its stats bubbling, this is a description of the baby’s attends to produce sounds, something characteristic of human before we learn how to speak. These sounds are describes that the clear vowels lives like ballots as the first sounds baby’s produce are most of all vowels.

·       Nature’s terminology in morning song
   Plath’s use of natural elements discloses her tendency to identify human qualities and attitudes with natural events and animal’s behaviors and qualities.
The anthropomorphizing world of nature is reflected in the poem. Which is analyzes about where we notice many characteristic of animals are used to baby build comparison of her baby’s behaviors and description by the poet is describe images of nature scene are used to describe the environment and sounds perceived in the moments described . Sylvia Plath’s uses of natural term is very clear and help us to evoke feeling and atmosphere of the actions described, we also understand the poetess her inner feeling at the moment a situation, which is important and special that is the child birth.
·       My point of view

 In this poem we find that how woman struggle a lot in her life and she has helpless. But in time pass way, if she is mother, daughter, wife and sister at in her life happily and responsibility of family. In time woman became mother, her charm and feeling about to her child. In this poem Sylvia says to feminine view and men have to use women only to sexual. Woman has apart to men life only sex. In this way, Sylvia Plath expresses her own feeling and how child came in world, it became new. As we can said that women at all to sex part to men life but in our society not excepted to woman express her sexual feeling, they are beat them. So we can say that Sylvia Plath has wife of ted Hughes and in her life last days of Sylvia and she is not happy about her married life, but her child came she became happy. So in the end of her life in this child as Sylvia Plath has great to in happy moment and she came to her husband. 

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