Tuesday 21 July 2015

Carol Ann Duffy's poem "Warming her Pearls"

Carol Ann Duffy's poem "Warming her Pearls"

  • Carol Ann duffy 
Next to my own skin, her pearls. My mistress
bids me wear them, warm them, until evening
when I'll brush her hair. At six, I place them
round her cool, white throat. All day I think of her,

resting in the Yellow Room, contemplating silk
or taffeta, which gown tonight? She fans herself
whilst I work willingly, my slow heat entering
each pearl. Slack on my neck, her rope.

She's beautiful. I dream about her
in my attic bed; picture her dancing
with tall men, puzzled by my faint, persistent scent
beneath her French perfume, her milky stones.

I dust her shoulders with a rabbit's foot,
watch the soft blush seep through her skin
like an indolent sigh. In her looking-glass
my red lips part as though I want to speak.

Full moon. Her carriage brings her home. I see
her every movement in my head.... Undressing,
taking off her jewels, her slim hand reaching
for the case, slipping naked into bed, the way

she always does.... And I lie here awake,
knowing the pearls are cooling even now
in the room where my mistress sleeps. All night
I feel their absence and I burn.

Carol N. Duffy has born in 1955. Carol Duffy as poet and she read philosophy at Liverpool University. She grew up in a working class family that believed in social change and the political of protest. So she published her poems at 16. She lived in London for fifteen years. She also writes plays and poetry. In Oct 2000, she was awarded a grant of 75 thousand pound to be use over a five year period by national endowment for science, technology and arts. Carol N. Duffy likes to challenges normal views with new ideas and approaches. Her work has most that feminist and her most collective poems in see that to feminine ideas and she argues that to muscular ideas. Her most numbers of poems are like that...

§  Standing female nude
§  Selling Manhattan
§  The world’s wife
§  Feminine gospels
§  Out of fashion
§  Warming her pearls
§  The good child’s guide to rock N rock

Her latest collective poetry is “Rapture” winner of T.S.Eliot prize in 2000. Here we find that her most collective poem ‘Warming her Pearls’ in how she express feminine ideas and views regarding of our social situations. 

v Warming her pearls.

In this poem warming her pearls Carol N. Duffy explore the very intimate and ever strangely codependences relationship between a made and her house keeping mistress. This poem not about Carol, but one maid work to house and her situation of society and her life at all about to upper class women life and how they create think of our social system. Carol Duffy creates a character, speaker who is a maid, a servant who speaks the words of poem. It is in the form of dramatic monologues. In this poem Duffy has given the secret romantic attachment of the maid for her mistress and her re- writes the dynamics between the servant and employer. In this first stanza the speaker a maid has an unusually task, to wear her mistress pearls during the day to warm them. It is one of her duties as a maid or servant. In the first stanza the speaker describes how she transfers the pearls from her thought when she brushers her mistress hair every evening at 6’o clock. The feeling of the peals on the servant through all day is a constant reminder of her mistress. This is carefully structure poem of six stanza and containing four lines. In this stanza as we notice that choice of diction and same sentence are short. This may suggest the maid’s anger and also we find that social situation.

               In the second stanza the maid describes the idle daily of her mistress as she plans her evening, delfts and fans herself. The mistress is obviously a sociality that is someone who lives for parties. The maid on her hand all work in day. The maid feels like she is a slave on a rope. The rope represents the power of the mistress over her. Here the peals necklace forms the imaginary rope. We find a comparison the speaker makes cleaver and compares the peals to rope because when she a wears them they are like a rope. This is metaphor in which the servant suggests that she like slave held by a rope. The ropes represent power. It also that certain way the mistress carries herself by warming pearls.   The maid body Adour and she not touch them. In the third stanza the maid considers her mistress social life. She also praise her mistress beauty as the maid lies in the at night. Her day dreams about the handsome men who dance with her mistress at parties as she thinks about the pearls, the mistress and parties. The speaks as the maid has a funny thought them, realize that her mistress dancing partner are probably put off by the pearls because they carry her body Adour is not hidden by expensive French perfume that the mistress wears. It is funny that the maid pictures the scene of man feeling confused by this persistent sent but the mistress never cops on to it. Thus it is ironic and a funny and silly contradiction that “The pearls necklace” is the very thing that prevent the mistress from gaining a lover or partner. The maid obviously likes the mischievous thought.  Carol says that to her ideas about that to woman struggle and situation and they became controversial of woman beauty. She use words about of women beauty alliteration “P” connected ‘puzzled’ and ‘persistent’ as to given but social life and her gives to word “Adour” as bad one to male partner. And we find that she put off the handsome man off the posh lady. How men use to women and became her real life thighs see that in this poem.     Again the she use word “w” in ‘whist’ and ‘willingly’  emphasis the maid’s positive attitude to doing work as a opposed to idly funning herself like the mistress. Thus the tone of women and in this poem is ironical because the reach mistress gains the opposite effect from pearls. In the forth stanza the speaker apply various cosmetics on her mistress skin one of her main duties. She is aware of the lazy of her mistress life style. There is a suggestion of a sigh. This suggests that behind all the fussing. The idle mistress is not happy with her reach life. As the maid dusts on the powder, she has an urge to tell her mistress something, most likely the reason for her luck of success with men but the maid of posh ladies is not supposed to express opinion. So she stayed quiet, here we find that the poet use the ideas about woman and they like to her beauty and impress to men. In the poem the theme of self deception is found because the speaker portrays a main mistress, who divorce herself to socializing and also the mood atmosphere is mainly one of luxury with description of find clothes, perfume, fine rooms and evening balls. In the fifth stanza the mistress arrives home alone in her grand carriage. The poet has imagines her, mistress undressing and going to bed after putting her precious pearls in their case. In the final stanza the maid lays awake thinking about the pearls cooling in their case. She is aware that the mistress is always alone. The maid misses the cool feeling the pearls gave to her thought. She burns either with a desire to have the pearls around her neck or with rage at the contrast between her lifestyle and her mistress lifestyle. 

 v Women is center in the poem ‘Warming her pearls’

Carol Duffy has to feminist writer and she also use to feminine ideas; we can find that how women struggle to against men. In poem, Carol says that the maid work to house and the mistress give do work to the maid. Here we find that feminine ideas and women are helpless. If women became work to outside of home and men became free to them. But as we know that men are use to women as only sexual think. Here we find that the mistress as women is only use to fashion, jewelers, dress, cosmetic etc, as symbol of women identity and their became problematic to women. But as we know that our society is male dominated and not do to women has center and struggle to compare men into society. So here we find that how the maid and the mistress as women has center in the poem if became problems and we find that men are use women means the mistress and the maid at only to sexual and beauty of women. In the poem, the mistress partner has seen that to his female partner the mistress’s beauty, her pearls, and her richness and not see her originality to their life. Carol given to women has only of beauty in our society. Here we says that pearls as symbol and here pearls has women means female has see and her dream to warn to pearls in her neck. In this context women has one type of pearls and male has use to pearls means women, no any the maid use to her dream in her life. As we says that to male partner has only use to women, pearls as symbolic one in women life but our male society has cruel and only see that to pearls beauty, in other one lower means the maid and other women became margin to male partner.  

 v My  point of view

As we know that carol has feminine figure and she argues that male society, and men use to women has only beauty in world and sexual thinks. But in society other women are margin and their dream of such kind of peals and Oder to her mistress. So as my perspective in this poem women has helpless and male dominated society has to women as pearls and other women no any identity to our society.  


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