Tuesday 4 August 2015

T.V. serial in Feminism

T.V. serial in Feminism

                    We are leave in 21st century and our society has male made, became women has no any identities in society. As India is male dominated society and men has use his power to women. We find that men are also power like social, political, social, religious etc. we know that in present time women became helpless and men are behave to women at cruel. Women are face many problems like not right to vote, education, women work a lot but not pay equal money to men, generation gap, sexual use, rapes, social problems, prostitutes, poor, dowry etc. All this problems face to women and today most of that men and women inequality in social problems. We know that present time women became educated and learn to language and they are know that to men has only use it and women are aware of men ideas and they are learn and against to male ideas , his religious. In our Indian culture, Sanskrit lines that “Ytra pujante Devta Ttra pujiyante Nari”. As we see that our old religious and culture became men made and women are marginalia in society. At that time, women are educated and they are free to whatever you want to do and male are push down to female. Men are use to women only in house work, sexual, women became prostitute. 

                   In present time has to change and women are coming to power position and they are learn something. But we find that in our society old and rigid rules follows to women in society. In Indian culture our old grandparents or old people have forcefully follows to this religious and ways of life. In women became has mother, wife, daughter, sister etc dependent to male partner. But in present time women are struggle and free way of life, they challenged to male. In we find that Indian cinema and serial in many of serial in center of women, and men are imagined in family. Our society has not except to love married, educated wife of his or her son. We see that in Indian serial in find that to so many ideas and problems give to director, how our society reality watches to so many serial. But in nowadays, youngest generation has change his or her life and they leave to free life and not follows to old religious, culture, rules, belief, traditions etc. in Indian has believes that join family but our younger women are educated and free way of life leave them. But in our society many family in grand parents or old people has to follows to old religious and they not except to freedom of women and they not except to women work to office, job, education and work to late night.
       As younger and educated women married to this kind of family, follows to religious, rules, belief, regulation  has strictly. In this serial we find that old aged  people forcedly follows this rules to younger wife or mother. In many serials like ‘Diya aur Bati’, ‘Sathiya’, ‘Mare Angan main’, ‘Ghar kin laxmi betiya’, ’Uttran’, ‘Sarojini- ek nayi pehal’, ‘Mariyada’ ‘Kali’ etc. These entire serials in women are center but old religious and generation gap we find that. How our society has women became any work, use to sexual and not get education. As life become change and women are struggle and they are question to male society. Here I have says something that women as  wife , mother, sister, daughter has to follows to religious but nowadays our serial in find that our society has changed and today women are educated and also work, job. Here I given example to this two serials like that ‘Sarojini- ek nayi pehal, ‘Mare Angan main’, both of in different situating in women and they face this problems but in serial we find that to generation gap to adult and younger. 
      First one ‘Sarojini- ek nayi pehal’ –in serial where women have lot of restriction on them and male are power position in family, no one can against to head of male character rules and his regulations. This is story of a girl named ‘sarojini’, and how she will face every difficult and survive in society. She is not excepting to old religious and rigidity but her mind and knowledge about to free way of life. And she is how facing to many problems and she argues to head of male character as power and he broken and anger to sarojini.
        In second one ‘Mare Angan main’- in story between rich and middle class family and how boy fair in love to middle class girl and she is educated and open minded leave life. In boy family in head of family in old aged women is Oder and gives rules become follows to family member. In this girl has freely way of leave and she not follows to religious and rules. And this girl has face problems and how serial made to generation gap of them.

                  We find that our society is rigidity and cruel to women and they not except to women are educated and work out side to house. Our India has male dominated but in independent so many changes and today women get education, work, job, free mind and women also choose her male partner. But in many changes of women life but many city or village in old religious and culture also follows to women. We know that not except born girl child, dowry, use sexual, uneducated women see in Indian many city or villages. But in present time women are enemy to women and they has to force to women at rule under her hand and male power as to superior and women are helpless and hopeless  in our society. And not equality became men and women in our society. In our society women are enemy to women. we find that in our society has parches to women ideas and we know that old religious and culture has people follow blindly and women are margin in society. So we says that women are goes on happening in struggle and present time women are educated and they learn and against to male ideas.


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