Friday 21 August 2015

Animal farm by George Orwell

  • Review about Animal Farm

As we studies about literature in culture, politics, science, socialism etc.  We know that literature is mirror of our society and here I say something about that George Orwell notorious and my favorite’s a novella “Animal Farm”, and we studies about post colonialism in how other county people rules to native people and they are marginalized them. And we find that all characters are animal and it appropriated personality about our politician and Orwell ideas in human owner of the farm and how human ruling to animal and we see that animals are perfect to images of each and every political figures. Animal farm is a novella by George Orwell, and is the most famous satirical allegory of soviet totalitarianism, Orwell most famous 1945; the book reflects events leading up to and during the Stalin era. Orwell a democratic socialist and a member of the independent labour party for many years and was a critic of Joseph Stalin.
             In the novella is an allegory in which play the roles of the bolsheck revolutionaries and overthrow and dust the human owners of the farm. And we see that setting it up as a commune in which that all animals are equal class and status disparities soon emerge, however between the ideologies can be manipulated and twisted by individuals in positions of social and political power including how utopian society is made impossible by the corruption nature of the very power necessary to creates it.

  • ·       Characters and their possible real life counterparts

            In this novella “Animal farm”  in Orwell imagines human  and animal characters how they work and we identifies to human has how treated to animal in this farm. And we see that Nazi party and Soviet Union ideas between create animal society means not animal but human society. The events and characters are in animal farm parallel the early history of the Soviet Union and Orwell makes this explicit in the case of the head pig, means napoleon, which he directly connects to Stalin in a letter of 17 march, 1945 to the publisher. Of course the dogs are also important characters in this novella that enabled Orwell to discover and express more of what had happened in Russian. In the novella pigs are center and is inspiration which fuels the revolution, he could be based on Karl Marx and Lenin interpretation.  Moreover, this interpretation the satire in animal farm is not of Marxist, but Lenin’s revolution and we find that many characters are involved in corruption that occurred later although very similar to it. In another one is napoleon a Berkshire boar and snowball a white boar. Both are gradually build up his power using puppies and dogs. In rumours are spread about him to make him a seem evil and corrupt and that he is secretly sabotaging the animal’s efforts to improve the farm. In goes way squealer, a small fat porker serves as napoleon’s public speaker and we see that inspired by vyacheslav Molotov and Russian paper Pravda manipulated the language to excuse. In novella many other characters are three horses’ clover, Mollie and boxer. In this horses see that their faithful and also executed to another animal. Benjamin is a wise old donkey that shows slight emotion. Moses is a raven, dogs, pigeons are minor characters and we see that their roles are communities party and other animal are ruling about that there are equal but in novella represented to army men. and in animal farm many other human characters are like that Mr. Jones, Mr. Frederick, Mr. Pilkington and Mr. whimper are represented to each and every one rules and use to power other and they are represented human society and how politic and corruption in society.

  • ·       significance of Animal Farm
          The allegory that the book employs allows for interpretation on a number of levels. Orwell wrote the following his experience during the Spanish civil war, which are described in another once of his books, hamage to Catalonia.  He intended to be a strong condemnation of what he saw as the Stalinist corruption of the original socialist ideas. For the prefaces of a Ukrainian edition he prepared in 1947, Orwell described what gave him the idea of setting the book on a farm. In this novella “Animal Farm” is the famous quote by Lord Acton.

    “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” 

we know that the humans to refer to Animal Farm by its new name be indicative of the diplomatic limbo in which the soviets existed following their early history. We see that in soviet society rules and politics and also Russian revolutions at man has always cherished equality as the blissful condition of the life. Every golden age supposed to create under which all individuals will be treated as equal.  Equally ensures protection against tyranny and injustice. The ideas of equally has inspired political revolutions. The French revolution was stared with the slogan “liberty, Equality, Fraternity”- on the lips of the people.

As we see that the American war of independence was conducted with the avowed aim that there will be no discrimination between men and man. As Animal Farm is brought into being with the hope of creating a society in which all animal will be free hunger and torture, and each will work to his capacity and strong would protect the weak. We see that how human being are treated to animal and their role are also crucial one, and there in all animals are equal. This ideas are ironic it is violated the very day it is inscribed on the barn wall. As animal farm progresses, the distinction between the rules and the ruled becomes more and more apparent.  In this ideas about Orwell, animal are equal but more are not and this images are in society different between upper and law class and we find that in Russian revolution how political power use and no one can against to this leader and another people are marginalized in society. As we can see that political and social structure are more problematic and people has to voice to political leader and fight them. Here we see that An Animal Farm in Orwell gives this image of our society in this line like that:  “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

We see that this sentence is very problematic and we find that ‘All’ words in every one animal but other words ‘some’ animals are more “equal’ than to others animal. in this lines I can say that politician are very corporate friendly and law class and other common men are not against to or power structure and they are also speck that words ‘All’ in that we all at equal but in another think we are not in ‘All’. We see that here some animal are corrupted and no can fight that one because we are depended to ‘Some Animals'.

so we know that our society in this kind of Some Animals are here, but we know all about that, not at our mind are allusion in ways leave life, not against question to society or politician. In this novella “Animal Farm” is banded because of Orwell gives ideas between Russian and American society, and no one can raise voice to this power position people. We find that in how animal leave there and at example of American and Russian revolution and how society is corrupted them.

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